Thematic Analysis
NewWeb3 – Thematic Intelligence
Web3 is an ideology that refers to the next iteration of the internet built on blockchain. It promises a mix of peer-to-peer (P2P) communication channels and decentralized governance, leading the internet’s transition from an information-centric model to a user-centric model. Web3 aims to give users the ability to create, own, and monetize their content and manage the use of their data. This will be stored on blockchains instead of on third-party servers.
Thematic Analysis
NewStrategic Partnerships in Fintech – Thematic Intelligence
Strategic Partnerships in Fintech Thematic Report Overview Strategic partnerships for fintech companies can include traditional vendor relationships, new niche fintech partners, big tech partners, and/or bank-as-a-service of distribution arrangements with firms outside of financial services. The right partnership can deliver overnight scale via access to new markets or customers or neutralize a disintermediating threat.Moreover, working with proven partners and business models for distribution or as a tech partner will be more attractive. The ‘strategic partnerships in fintech’ thematic intelligence report...
Thematic Analysis
NewPsychedelics Therapeutics Development and Trends, 2024
This report provides a summary of the current and future state of the psychedelic therapeutic sector, offering a high-level analysis of key trends and developments within the industry, including regulatory, clinical, and market dynamics. The report identifies the broader changes within the evolving psychedelic industry, facilitating informed decision-making for relevant sectors.
Thematic Analysis
NewQuantum Computing in Aerospace, Defense and Security – Thematic Intelligence
Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Thematic Report Overview Quantum computing aims to use the counterintuitive behavior of sub-atomic particles to spawn computers of mind-boggling power. Quantum computers can simulate large, uncertain, complicated systems in seconds, including the weather, financial markets, chemical reactions, molecules, and neurons in the human brain. In the aerospace and defense industry quantum capabilities are theorized to have applications in sensing, communications, computing, navigation, and electronic warfare, with the unique properties of quantum mechanics enhancing situational...
Thematic Analysis
NewGeneric Drugs – Physician Perspective – Thematic Intelligence
Generic Drugs Thematic Intelligence Report Overview The report suggests that US physicians prescribed more generic drugs to more than 60% of its patients when compared to their counterparts in the five major European markets (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK). Italy had the lowest number recorded in the surveyed countries. Even though physicians and pharmacists play a crucial role in drug choice, patient preferences should not be ignored. When patients have more information about their disease treatment, better outcomes...
Thematic Analysis
NewRobotics in Construction – Thematic Intelligence
Robotics in Construction Thematic Intelligence Report Overview The construction industry has been generally slow to digitalize and adopt new technologies. As an industry, it relies heavily on manual labor resulting in low productivity growth. Adopting robots can increase safety on construction sites, ensure projects are delivered on time, and help maintain productivity. As costs decrease and the benefits become increasingly evident, construction companies will implement more robots across the ecosystem. The ‘Robotics in Construction’ thematic intelligence report assesses how robotics...